Intensive Courses

Circular Economy

Our fifth intensive course, Circular Economy, started in the spring of 2021 and was supposed to take place in Norway with focus on the industry of Food and Agriculture. Due to COVID the course took place online in April. However, students and teachers participated in an event in August, on location in Norway (see video to the left). In April 2022, the course was carried on location in Vilnius, Lithuania with focus on the waste management industry. In April 2023 we all attended the course in Reykjavik in Iceland with the focus on the Sustainable Ocean.

In the face of sharp [price] volatility increases across the global economy and proliferating signs of resource depletion, the call for a new economic model is getting louder. In the quest for a substantial improvement in resource performance across the economy, businesses have started to explore ways to reuse products or their components and restore more of their precious material, energy and labour inputs. The time is right, many argue, to take this concept of a 'circular economy' one step further, to analyse its promise for businesses and economies, and to prepare the ground for its adoption.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2013

For details - please download the course information

For details - please download the course information

Smart City - Building a Sustainable Future

Our new and fourth intensive course, Smart City - Building a Sustainable Future, took place for the first time in April 2018 in Lahti. The theme was year's course was Sharing Economy. Students worked on a report about the topic at their home universities (countries) and met during 10 intensive days to do group work, a live project with Henna Smart City, presentations, lectures and social activities. To the right you can find the course information for the course.

In the spring of 2019 - the course took place during one week in April in Västerås, Sweden. Theme: Consumer Behaviour - Smart Living/Smart Environment.

And in the spring of 2020 - the course took place (online) in Herning, Denmark. Theme: Energy Efficiency

Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship

The third intensive course, Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship, was given between 2014-2016. The course was developed from the previous course idea but with a deeper focus on ethics and social entrepreneurship. Every year the hosting institution was responsible for finding live project for the students (see course descriptions fro 2014-2016 to the right). To the left you can watch a movie produced by one of the students participating in the course in Lahti in April 2015. And below we present a course information document with more details.

Business Strategies for Sustainable Development

The second intensive course, Business Strategies for Sustainable Development (BSSD), ran between 2011-2013. This course originated from a few teachers that had a big interest in this field and the focus of the course was towards CSR. Every year the hosting institution was responsible for finding live project for the students (see course description from 2013 below).

Nordic Baltic Perspectives on Marketing

The first intensive course in the NordBiz network was Nordic Baltic Perspectives on Marketing (NBPM). Every year a different industry was in focus:
2004 Sweden - Furniture industry
2005 Finland - Brewery
2006 Estonia - Tourism
2007 Iceland - Banks
2008 Denmark - Textile
2009 Norway - Experience Economy
2010 Vilnius - Logistics and Distribution
2011 Estonia - Telecommunications
2012 Estonia - Media
2013 Denmark - Energy
For more information see brochure example to the left and course information (2010)below.

NordBiz - A Nordic Baltic Network in NordPlus Higher Education

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