Teacher and Staff Exchange
An important part of the NordPlus program is to stimulate teachers and/or other staff to go to other partner universities for lecturing, exchange of experiences, pedagogical development, curriculum advances, development of common programs etc.Teachers and/or staff of any nationality employed at HEIs in the participating countries may be awarded a Nordplus grant for exchanges in another Nordic or Baltic country. The exchange can include teaching, tutoring, development of teaching materials etc. It is also possible to use these grants for activities connected to work placements and collaboration with the labour market.
The minimum duration of the exchange is 8 teaching/working hours. The following rules apply to Nordplus teacher/staff mobility grants:
- Confirmation of grant award shall be signed before payment is made (see grant form below)
- A final report on the exchange shall be submitted by the teacher after the exchange has been completed
The salary is paid by your home university but expenses are paid for according to the following:
- Travel (to and from Iceland): €660
- Travel (to and from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Sweden): €330
- Example: 1 day teacher mobility, 70 euro + travel grant
- Example: 5 (working) days teacher mobility, 355 euro + travel grant
- Example: 8 days teacher mobility, the maximum rate is 355 euro + 70 euro = 425 euro + travel grant
Student Exchange
The NordBiz exchange program is more structured than traditional exchange programs and makes it easier for students to prepare and choose their specializations at an early stage. The guidance will be clearer and the student career counselors will have more insight in each institution's course selection. If you are a student at one of the universities you can apply for a scholarship to spend one semester or one academic year as an exchange student at one of the NordBiz partner universities.
Student mobility from 1 to 12 months
Mobility grants are awarded for full-time studies or work placements lasting 1-12 months in another Nordplus country. The grant is available to degree students of any nationality studying for a first or second cycle degree at a HEI in the participating countries. PhDstudents are not eligible for a Nordplus grant. The grant should be seen as a contribution towards the additional cost of studying abroad.
Work placements grants are awarded according to the same guidelines, criteria and rules as regular student mobility grants.
Express mobility under 1 month
The minimum duration of an express mobility is one week (5 working days). The express mobility is intended to broaden the possibilities for students to study abroad for shorter periods in cases where longer periods are not possible. This mobility scheme is also intended to encourage and to facilitate institutions to invite students from partner institutions in ordinary courses organized at the HEIs and thus promote internationalization at home. Express mobility grants are awarded according to the same guidelines, criteria and rules as regular student mobility grants.
The following rules apply to student mobility grants:
- The studies abroad shall be fully recognized as a part of the degree at the student's home institution.
- ECTS shall be used
- The student has studied for at least one year at his/her home institution (exception: students studying in joint master programme)
- The student shall not pay any tuition fees or similar fees during his/her stay abroad (with the exception of any student union fees)
- The student shall live at his/her place of study; commuting between place of study and ordinary place of residence is not permitted
- Confirmation of grant award shall be signed before payment is made (see grant for to the right)
- A learning/training agreement shall be signed before the exchange
- A final report on the exchange shall be submitted by the student after the exchange has been completed (not applicable for express mobility)
As exchange students within the NordBiz network you will receive a scholarship:
- Travel (to and from Iceland): €660
- Travel (to and from Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Finland, Norway, Sweden): €330
- Accommodation/board: €200 / month (5 months per semester)
Please contact the international coordinator at your home institution for more information.