About NordBiz

Our NordBiz network started in 1993 and has since then successfully worked with student and staff exchange. We have also developed a joint bachelor's program as well as four intensive courses and a fifth one coming up.t

We started our network due to the fact that the Nordic and Baltic countries have a common historical cultural background and the same values of human rights, democracy and business ethics. By this co-operation we want to stress the Nordic and Baltic values in society and business life. Our main priority is to assure the quality of all our activities within the network. We make sure that the participating universities support our work. Therefore it is important that the Deans of the partner institutions participate in the development of the network.

The network is complete since 2013 when we invited the last member from Latvia, Stockholm School of Economics Riga. This means that our network now has partners from all the Nordic and Baltic countries.

In the spring of 2018 we started a new intensive course in Lahti (Finland) Smart Cities - Building a Sustainable Future, with the theme Sharing Economy. The course will was also given in the spring of 2019 in Västerås (Sweden) and ran for the third time (online) in April 2020 in Herning (Denmark). This course was the fourth intensive course created by the network. The first was Nordic-Baltic perspectives on Marketing (2004-2013); the second, Business Strategies for Sustainable Development (2011-2013) and; the third Business Ethics and Entrepreneurship (2014-2016).

Our fifth intensive course is called Circular Economy and deals with the 7R-model in different industries. The course was offered online in the spring of 2021 with the focus on Food and Agriculture. In August 2021, students and teachers were offered to go to Norway to follow-up on the course with company visits, seminars, lectures and social activities. The course will be offered for the second time in the spring of 2022 in Vilnius Lithuania and the plan is to give it for the third time in the spring of 2023 in Iceland.

Read more about our intensive courses...


Our main priority is to assure the quality of all our activities within our NordBiz-network. We make sure that the participating universities will support our work. Therefore it is important that our "controllers" - the Deans, at our universities have the possibility to meet and discuss our work.

The goals of our NordBiz network are to continue to develop and promote cross-cultural and interdisciplinary courses, academic programs and add value to existing education responsive to a changing global environment. We want to facilitate co-operation between universities and enterprises and improve the exchange of information and know-how. We want to help create distinct competitive advantages for operators/business and enrich the overall image and vitality of the community. The purpose is also to promote activities which enable the exchange of experience and information regarding higher education regulations and policies among its members.

We want to enhance the opportunities for educational staff development through staff mobility and will assist university policy makers in developing the academic culture of their institutions. Our objective is also to promote activities that will enhance the opportunities for student mobility.

NordBiz - A Nordic Baltic Network in NordPlus Higher Education

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